Mitch & Taiga recently competed at the NSWCIS. Mitch placed 8th in the 100m – a close race with just 0.2 seconds between 3rd and 8th place!
Taiga came 2nd in the 400m and won the long jump. Taiga then went on to compete at the NSW All Schools Championships taking out gold in the long jump with a PB of 7.07 metres!
Alison competed at the Masters Pan Pacific Games at the beginning of November. Winning both the 60m and 100m in W35-39 age and running a new PB in the 100m.
Eleni broke the 100m record at Westlakes Little Athletics the 1st night back of competition – more records to come this season from her I am predicting.
One of our newer athletes Ben just smashed his PB in the 800m at his local little athletics – Ben took over 1 minute off his time. Incredible work.
Great work to all athletes.